


Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF)


African Lion (Panthera Leo)


Coming soon...




Lions are considered to be the most social of all felids, prefering to live in either in prides of related females, with 1 or 2 males, and their cubs, or coalitions of related or unrelated males. Average pride is 4 to 6 adult females (plus males and their cubs), however where prey is abundant up to 20 females have been observed in one pride. Where prey is scarce pride numbers can be as low as 2 or 3 adult females. Lions do not do well living a solitary lifestyle, psychologically or physically (being as muscular at the rear as the front means that it is very difficult for lions to groom their own rear ends and other members of the pride assist). 

Lions exhibit sexual dimorphism, with adult males being the only felids to exhibit prominent manes. It is believed that the mane serves several functions including; increased protection during fighting; enabling distinguishing of gender at a distance and an indicator of individual fitness and dominance. Mane development is strongly linked to testosterone and believed to be linked to lions unique social system. 

Lions are also the only cats to have tufted tails. These tufts are the last few vertibrae fused together. It is believed that this enhances communication between lions (especially when hunting) as well as being a good toy for cubs and a handy fly swat (!) 


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At the Cheetah Conservation Fund Every Animal gets help and attention when it needs it.
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