


Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF)


Cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus)


Coming soon...




Cheetah are the fastest land mammal. They are perfectly adapted to reach high speeds with relatively straight limbs, slight, light frame and flexible spine. Large blood vessels, enlarged heart and lungs, pump blood/fuel quickly through the body. Extremely flexible spine (most of the muscle mass is on the spine) and lack of collar bone allow the back legs to swing in front of the front legs during sprint. Semi retractable claws give traction and a relatively long tail acts as a rudder allowing the cheetah to turn at high speed (cheetah run very fast in a straight line, the defence mechanism of their prey is to "zig-zag". Black "mascara lines" keep the sun out of the cheetahs eyes allowing the cat to hunt during the day (avoiding conflict with other felids and giving the cheetah a better chance of keeping its kill). Cheetah do not have saggital crests on their skull unlike the true "big cats" and their slender canines allow for larger nasal passages which mean they can catch their breath back whilst suffocating their prey. 
Youngsters Like Chastity Runge-Badger from Staples, Minnesota, USA are the key to the worlds future. their passion and love for the world of nature is the only way so many species will survive.
At the Cheetah Conservation Fund Every Animal gets help and attention when it needs it.
The Simple majesty of a Cheetah makes me breathless as the perfect design works like dream.If you love cats I think you'll be amazed at this magical film

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